Wednesday, February 3, 2010


After believing in the truths and realities and having right and proper conception and understanding of Kalimah Tayyebah, the Kalimah Shahadah (witnessing the creed of truths) is expressed and declared sincerely, spontaneously and naturally within. That Kalimah is –
Ashhadu alla ilaha illa Allahu Wahdahu la sharika lahu wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasooluhu. (I bear witness that none has the right to be lord and to be worshipped except Allah, who is alone, who has no partner or associate, and I bear witness that Muhammad (be peace on him) is His slave and His Messenger).
Thus, after believing fully and agreeing heartily with Kalimah Shahadah, one enters into Islam and becomes a Muslim. He is associated with the party of Allah now. He is honoured with the pleasing of Allah. He receives benefits of bounties, blessings and mercy of Allah here and hereafter. Eventually he will be awarded the permanent Heaven.
Kalimah Shahadah is not a magical word or a miraculous spell that just uttering the Kalimah all the aforesaid changes are occurred automatically. Rather, the Kalimah is the key word of acceptance and adaptation of truths and beliefs revealed by Almighty Allah for the human beings and being agree to demonstrate and perform the required righteous deeds based on those beliefs. Therefore, the acceptance, adaptation of beliefs and truths and the righteous deeds are being elucidated clearly here to a certain extent, which are obligatory and inevitable to know just after recongnizing and accepting the Kalimah Shahadah.

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